Candidates' positions are categorized as Pro (Yes), Con (No), Not Clearly Pro or Con, or None Found. Candidates who have changed their positions are listed as Now their most recent position. Candidates are listed by party and in alphabetical order by last name. Black & white photos indicate candidates who have withdrawn or who no longer meet our criteria for inclusion.
Should the United States use its military troops to help secure the US-Mexico border?
Virgil Goode, former US Representative (R-VA), stated the following on his campaign website page "The Issues," available at (accessed Oct. 25, 2012):
"Illegal immigration must stop. Our borders must be secure. In Congress, I supported and cosponsored legislation to stop illegal aliens, terrorists, drug smugglers, and other criminals from coming across our Southern border. We need to utilize troops, fences, and other measures to stop the invasion from Mexico. I was the first to sponsor legislation providing for a fence along the Southern Border. We must continue to fight for funding and for adequacy of the fence." Oct. 25, 2012 Virgil Goode
Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico, stated the following in a Jan. 11, 2011 video "Gary Johnson on Immigration," available at
“We shouldn’t stop what we’re currently doing. But the notion of securing the border, I think the rhetoric right now when we talk about securing the border is building a fence or putting the national guard arm-in-arm across 16 hundred miles of border. I just see that as a whole lot of money spent with no benefit whatsoever.” Jan. 11, 2011 Gary Johnson
[Editor's Note: On June 3, 2010 the White House Office of the Press Secretary released a "Readout of the President's Meeting with Governor Brewer of Arizona," available at It contained the following statement:
"The President had a good meeting with Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona at the White House today to discuss a range of critical issues of mutual interest, including the President’s comprehensive plan to secure the Southwest border and the unprecedented resources his Administration has devoted to that effort. The President and Governor Brewer also discussed the President’s decision to deploy up to an additional 1,200 requirements-based National Guard troops to the border and his upcoming request to Congress of $500 million in supplemental funds for enhanced border protection and law enforcement activities as part of that integrated strategy."] June 3, 2010 Barack Obama
Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, stated the following during a June 21, 2012 speech before the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, "Growing Opportunity for All Americans," available at
"As I have said many times, it is critical that we redouble our efforts to secure the borders. That means both preventing illegal border crossings and making it harder to illegally overstay a visa. We should field enough border patrol agents, complete a high-tech fence, and implement an improved exit verification system." June 21, 2012 Mitt Romney
Jill Stein, MD, former Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, stated the following in her Dec. 18, 2011, "Statement on International Migrants Day," available at
"We must end the systemic practice of detention and deportation of immigrant women, men, and children. We must reverse the militarization of our borders and the federalization of our local police. Undocumented immigrants who are already residing and working in the United States, and their families, should be granted a legal status which includes the chance to become U.S. citizens. Our priorities for immigration reform must include family reunification, asylum for political, racial, gender, and religious refugees, and the normalization of border crossings throughout North America." Dec. 18, 2011 Jill Stein
Failed to win the Republican nomination on Aug. 28, 2012; No additional research done as of that date to determine candidate’s position on this question.